Why I don’t always post a before and after …
Now let me just say that just because I don’t always post one – doesn’t mean I’m not taking them. I have over 40,000 images on my phone ( true fact! ) so theres definitely a few lurking in there! Usually ill take one to show my bride or client so they can see just what difference has been made when my work is finished. Its sometimes quite daunting to trust someone with how you look, and how you want to look on your wedding day and Its often easier to look at yourself in a photo, rather than just stare at your new reflection in a mirror .
Some ladies simply don’t feel confident without their make up so a ‘before’ shot can be quite a scary thing. I can totally respect that and It’s ok to tell me that you’d like to keep that private. I love showing off pictures of my work on my website and social media but only if you’re ok with that. People love to see a transformation but more than that people like to see brides and bridal parties that look comfortable and happy.
Chances are that most people are going to say they look a little ‘better’ after spending hours in the chair and that a good thing. It’s a make up artist job to work with what you already have – your skin colours, textures and face shape – to create something that you think is even more beautiful and enhanced than your make up free natural self. That’s why they call us make up artists. Its an art. We are trained to know which colours will open your eyes and which shade will make your lips look fuller. Make up is really about enhancing peoples natural beauty, not altering it. I always stress to my brides to be that the point of your wedding make up isn’t to change you completely. It isn’t to confuse everyone as you walk in and make them question whether its really you as your glide down the aisle. It’s meant to be you, glowing from the inside because you know that you look your absolute best on the outside.
Make up is really the most amazing thing. Some people can look totally transformed with just a few carefully applied products. For example, maybe its mum who hasn’t worn make up since her own wedding 30 years ago, or maybe it’s the bridesmaid who has an uneven skin tone but isn’t quite sure what to use to correct it. I might be the one giving you a makeover but what I’m really giving you is confidence. If you know you look good then you’ll feel good too. You’ll want to show it off. You’ll want people to see what you see – which is just how beautiful you really are ( even though we are all far too modest to ever admit that out loud! ).
So whether you appreciate a ‘before and after’ or whether the thought of going make up free in front of the camera makes you shudder inside, know that you are not alone! It’s great to see just what a difference a true artist can make , and pictures are a great way to showcase that but no one has to ‘prove’ how pretty they are to anyone. Everyone is different, unique and beautiful. You’re an individual, and no amount of temporary product can ever define that!
If you’re after some inspiration be sure to check out my instagram page here
Katie x