3 things to consider when wearing your wedding hair up

3 things to consider when wearing your wedding hair up

3 things to consider when wearing your wedding hair up

Deciding on your wedding hair style is a really important factor when it comes to your big day. You need to be sure that you feel happy , comfortable and confident with your choice so I’ve put together this blog with a few things that you might not yet have considered when it comes to deciding to wear your wedding hair up.

1. Weather

If you know that your hair goes all ‘Monica’ in the humidity then it’s sometimes a good idea to wear it up.  By having a bit of extra control then you can rest assured that your hair won’t become unruly whatever the weather!  If its wet, the damp air can make hanging curls look limp and lifeless, and if it’s hot then hair stuck to a sweaty forehead doesn’t make for a pretty picture!

2.  Movement

A secure upstyle won’t go anywhere – despite you throwing your best shapes on the dance floor by the time the evening reception comes around! I always like to remind my brides that a wedding hair upstyle will look the same at 12pm as it does at 12am! Unlike a hair ‘down’ style which will be affected by several factors throughout your day ( including gravity, weather, constant touching, dancing…the list goes on! ) deciding to wear your hair up means that you can rest assured it’s not going anywhere!

3. Does it suit you?

Just because you think wearing your hair up is what a bride ‘should’ do, isn’t a reason to actually do it. If you always wear it down and feel comfortable then you don’t need to do something totally out of ordinary in order to look more ‘bridal’. If you hate your ears then a high slick up do is never going to make you happy.  If you love your side fringe then scraping it back will just make you feel a bit exposed….

Most of all its important to remember that a professional stylist will be able to make your hair look amazing – however you want to wear it. Be honest with your stylist and be sure to make the most of your preview session. Have a few ideas to try, take photos and don’t be afraid to ask for advice.  Sometimes even the smallest change can make a big difference. But its not just all about how it looks… more importantly, you need to make sure that you feel amazing too. It really is true when I say that if you feel good, you look good – Confidence is key!

If you’re after some hair up inspiration then head over to my galleries page. You can also keep updated with my latest work by following me on facebook or instagram, and if you need some help or guidance then be sure to send me a message and I’ll be happy to talk hair with you!

Bridesmaids Hair

Bridesmaids Hair

Sometimes my brides are happy to let the bridesmaids decide on their hairstyle , other times they like them all to wear their hair in the same style. Does it matter to you? Here’s some important things to consider when selecting a style for your bridesmaids:

– The colour of their hair. As a general rule more intricate styles will always ‘show up’ better in blonde/lighter hair

-The length of their hair. Do you need to add any hair pieces to ensure all styles look the same weight/height/ size etc?

-Their face shape. maybe it really doesn’t suit your best friend to have her fringe scraped back from her face revealing the eyebrows that she hates…?

-Are they comfortable? You want your professional photos to look good so you want your girls to feel relaxed and comfortable.

-Will it last? If your chief bridesmaid has forever got her hand to her face is it really advisable to leave that bit of hair sweat across her forehead or will she just end up clipping it back?!

-Uniform. Not as in clothes but as in styles – if you are wanting the girls to wear a side bun, which side do you want it to? Do you want them all on the same side? Do you want to split it equally?

-Does it compliment your style? Maybe the most important question of all! You want your bridesmaids to look beautiful but do you want them to have an exact replica of your style? Or if you’re going for something understated do you really want them to have something more statement?

Don’t forget I offer free telephone consultations so if you’d like to discuss any ideas you have in more details please don’t hesitate to get in touch or contact me using the contact page on this website.