Trending Wedding Day Haircuts to Make You Look Stunning

Trending Wedding Day Haircuts to Make You Look Stunning

Trending Wedding Day Haircuts to Make You Look Stunning

A bride with wedding day haircut trend and a groom dancing on their wedding ceremony.

If you’re hanging around on social media then you’ve probably seen the latest trend of ‘wedding day haircuts’. As a wedding hair and makeup artist I absolutely LOVE the idea of someone being brave enough to go for the chop part way through their own wedding day.

For those of you that don’t have a clue what I’m talking about …Basically, the Bride completes the wedding ceremony with her hair styled in one way, and then sits in the chair before the evening guests arrive ( sometimes even as a complete surprise for their partner! ) and has it all cut off! A quick search on instagram or tik tok and you’ll quickly see what I mean.

Now I can honestly say that no bride has ever asked me to cut her hair on her wedding day…sadly. ( If you’re considering it please do ask me as I would jump at the chance! ) I would seriously love the chance to make such a dramatic change for someone as a part of their wedding day but it would certainly take some confidence, and a lot of trust on the part of the Bride!

Most ladies choose their wedding hair style on the basis of their dress, the neckline of the dress, and inspiration pictures they’ve found on pinterest when searching for ‘wedding hair’. This new trending wedding day haircuts just goes to show that actually there’s no such thing as typical ‘wedding hair’.

Wedding hair is simply the hair you wear on your wedding day – whatever that may be. I’m always telling my brides that just because its your wedding day, and just because you’re a bride, doesn’t mean you have to do something or wear anything that doesn’t feel 100% authentic to you. There’s no right or wrong way to be a Bride, and there’s no right or wrong style when it comes to Bridal.

The advice I give to my brides goes something like this….If you don’t normally wear your hair up because you hate your ears, then your wedding day probably isn’t the time to start. If you don’t usually wear red lipstick – even though it looks fabulous on the girl on pinterest, – again, it probably isn’t the day to start wearing it yourself!

The other thing to consider when it comes to your wedding day hair and makeup is that you can think a little ‘bigger’ than you normally would. By this I mean if the only reason you never wear your hair up in anything but a high ponytail is because you don’t know how to do anything other than a high ponytail then make sure you maximise the opportunity for your big day!

Take full advantage of the fact that you have a professional wedding hair stylist on hand able to help you create a look even better than what you can probably imagine! So many brides just don’t see what their own hair type is capable of and it’s just the best feeling when I’m able to create something that exceeds their expectations of their own hair!

So if you’re not sure, or you’re feeling a little disheartened about what you think you can or cant achieve when it comes to your wedding hair then get in touch. Id love to chat with you about what’s possible ( and maybe even try and talk you into a wedding day hair cut perhaps…?! )


p.s. here’s a link to exactly what I’m talking about! Would you brave it?!

Wedding Day Preparation Venues: Where to Get Ready for Your Big Day

Wedding Day Preparation Venues: Where to Get Ready for Your Big Day

Wedding Day Preparation Venues: Where to Get Ready for Your Big Day

A  hair and make-up artist getting ready the bride for her wedding day.

As a wedding hair and makeup artists it’s my job to come to you on the wedding morning and get the bride and the bridal party hair and makeup ready for the big day. Over the years I’ve managed to fine tune my kit, prep for any make up eventuality, and even pack an extra little ‘just in case’ kit for those last minute ‘oops’ moments! As much as I love to make sure I’m prepared and ready to do my job to the very best of my ability, one thing I simply cant control is where my brides choose to get ready on their wedding morning.

For some the decision is easily made as they are offered a prep room at their venue. This is ideal, no travel time to consider and often the rooms are large enough to accommodate the entire bridal party and then all of the suppliers that are involved too including videographers and photographers, as well as myself and any assistants that I may have.

One of my favourite venues Cooling Castle Barn have a purpose build room with styling stations, a comfy sofa and large widows for plenty of natural light. Another favourite of mine, The Old Kent Barn, has a beautiful dressing room, complete with hanging space for several dresses and outfits and a fully stocked hot drink station too!

However some venues, especially the more rustic ones, can mean that there isn’t a dedicated or purpose built space to get ready. This might mean issues like lack of natural light, no plug sockets, no mirrors, and restricted space to accommodate a group of people such as a wedding party on the morning with the space for them all to get ready and dressed.

Kent based Sam Beaney has provided brides with her very own solution to this exact problem in the form of The Pretty Prep Studios. Now local ‘Brides to be’ looking for a suitable and best space to get the absolute most from their wedding morning can host it at the studios and have everything they need all in one place.

The studio is light, bright and both feminine and floral. With various styling stations, seating areas and even a separate kitchen. There is a second main room, where brides can get into their dress and make all the final touches with large mirrors and simple yet tasteful décor meaning that the studio lends itself perfectly, whatever your bridal theme. The natural light and various styling stations and plug sockets means that this really is the ideal place for your wedding hair and makeup prep, with so much space for us to work in both comfort and style!

So if your getting married in Kent and worried that your venue doesn’t have the space or the set up to accommodate everything you might need on your wedding morning then make sure you check out The Pretty Prep Studios, and contact Sam directly to book a show round!

 Photographer- @shotbyjfk


A  hair and make-up artist getting ready the bride for her wedding day.
A bride getting ready herself on her wedding day.
A bride getting ready herself on her wedding day.
Your Wedding Hair and Make Up Checklist

Your Wedding Hair and Make Up Checklist

Your Wedding Hair and Make Up Checklist

If you’re planning your wedding then you’re probably familiar, or perhaps even following, some information you’ve found about when to do what when it comes to your wedding… but what about when it comes to your wedding hair and make up?

Like so many brides, the way you look is almost certainly going to be one of your biggest concerns and it’s important that your wedding hair and make up is exactly what you want.

I’ve outlined an ideal timeline for your below. If you’re not following it exactly then please don’t panic – it certainly doesnt mean that it won’t all still go to plan, but if you are in need of a bit of guidance then this should help!

And of course don’t forget that if you want to speak to me about your wedding day then just get in touch. I’m happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have and if you still haven’t booked and secured your wedding hair and make up artist then make sure you don’t leave it too late!

You’ve booked your venue…

Your date is confirmed, then its time to book your hair and make up artist! So many people are left disappointed when they try to book hair and make up services a few months before their big day, and so many people tell me that they never realised how important it was to secure the artist of their choice!  I get booked up to two years in advance, don’t be fooled into thinking you need to know exactly what style or look you want to go for – you don’t, and we have plenty of time to figure that out.  But it is important that you confirm and hold your date. I only book one bride per day so once it’s gone it’s gone!

12 months to go

If you don’t already, follow me on Instagram and facebook. You’ll be able to see first hand what kind of styles and looks my current brides are going for and it might even give you some ideas as to what you like or want. No two styles are exactly the same, each and every bride is unique so it’s important that you look at a variety of options before you start to think about what’s possible. Keep up to date with my social media and blog and get inspired!

If you don’t have a skin care regime then it’s time to get one! It doesn’t have to cost the earth and there are some great an inexpensive products from brands such at The Ordinary so be sure to check them out. . Something as simple as remembering to remove your make up with a cleanser each night and being sure to moisturise every day will make the world of difference.  The key to good make up is good skin.

Have a good hair cut. Get rid of all those dead ends. There’s still time for it to grow a little so don’t panic about length. There’s no point having really long hair if the last five inches is broken and damaged. A good cut will make it look and feel so much better.

6 months to go

Decide on your hair colour. If you’ve changed your hair for the wedding, or even if you’re just maintaining an existing colour , now is the time to start thinking about your colour appointment timeline. Ideally you want your colour to be fresh for the big day so I’d recommend trying to line up your appointments so your final pre wedding hair cut and colour is the week before the wedding day itself.

Stick with the skincare. Be kind to your skin. Drink water, sleep plenty – and keep removing that make up!

Book in your trial/preview session. Dates get booked up in advance. Some brides like to try and schedule this session for the same day as a dress fitting where possible, so they get to see everything ‘come together’. If you have a specific date in mind then let me know, otherwise you can give me your top three and I’ll do my best to accommodate. These sessions are first come, first served. You can book a session any day Monday – Friday, and don’t forget I offer limited evening appointments too.

3 months to go

By this point you’re thinking about your preview session which is probably happening over the next few weeks. Take a look at the preview session pack available on my site for some useful advice. Preparing for your preview session pack and start to think about what type of things you like, and just as importantly – what you don’t. This makes a great starting point for the both of us and it can make you think openly about how you want to look. Do you have any accessories that you want to incorporate? Will they be ready and available for us to try at this session for you?

1 month to go

This month you’ll receive your final invoice from me. Like most suppliers, I take payment 30 days before the wedding day itself.  At this point I’ll also want to check ( again! ) that all the details I have for the wedding morning are correct. Ill confirm timings, contact details etc.  If anything changes then be sure to let me know as soon as possible so I can update my details.

The week before the wedding

The wedding day is almost here! You’ll hear lot of things this week along the lines of ‘I cant believe its gone so quick’ and you might even feel like ‘I just cant wait for this to be over!’  but try not to get too stressed – everything always falls perfectly into place I promise!

You’ve had your last hair cut and colour by this point so be sure to keep your hair in top condition by using a heat spray when using heated tongs and straighteners etc . If you’re thinking about having your first ever facial then now is not the time.  The point of a facial is to ‘clear out’ your skin, releasing any toxins etc , and many ladies can find that it brings them out in spots as it draws all the impurities to the surface. Lots of brides make this mistake and then panic as their skin changes, save it until after the wedding – maybe treat yourself to one on honeymoon!

The night before the wedding

Wash your hair, dry it and then leave it in its natural state.  Unless we’ve agreed otherwise then this is the best condition for me to style your hair. Remove any make up and clean your face thoroughly before bed. In the morning follow your usual skin care routine to the point of moisturiser and upon arrival I will do the rest. I’ll apply any necessary primers and potions to ensure that your make up glides on perfectly. And most importantly – TRY to get a decent night sleep! …….. I’ll see you in the morning!!!

An October Wedding at The Nightyard, Kent // Katie and Matt

An October Wedding at The Nightyard, Kent // Katie and Matt

An October Wedding at The Nightyard,

Kent // Katie and Matt

Katie and Matt’s Wedding at The Nightyard was the perfect setting for their rustic, natural style… and their pet horse too!!


I really do love it when I receive professional pictures from photographers. Often it’s the only chance I get to see some of the details that I’ve heard about from the bride when we’re getting ready on the morning. Thankyou to Fleur Challis for providing me with this selection from Katie and Matt’s big day. I loved looking at these and hearing the story from Katie as to how their big day finally all fell into place…..

How did you meet?

We met at secondary school. I said no a hundred times before Matt finally got his way and I let him take me out! Our first date was to see the movie ‘’I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry!”

How did you get engaged?

On my birthday, Matt made me a cup of tea and said he was going to get my present. He called me downstairs and when I came down there was candles everywhere and he whispered in my ear ‘will you marry me’. Very personal and very ‘Matt’

What was the inspiration for your wedding day?

Beauty and the Beast. Our centrepieces were dome jars with enchanted roses and there was a Miss Potts, Lumierre and Cogsworth on the top table.

What did you like about the venue?

The Nightyard was just perfect for us . Really natural and they allow you to decorate however you want ( plus they let me bring my horse!!)

You invited your horse….?!?!

My horse April was my bridesmaid so she entered with the bridesmaids and stayed for the photographs too.  She even got a mention by name from the registrar when she introduced who would be walking down the aisle!

What was your first dance?

A thousand Years by Christina Perry from the Twighlight Movies

Do you have a tip to share with other brides to be?

Do what you want –  not what other people want you to do.

How did you decide how to wear your hair?

Braids and waves. I wanted to keep it natural but I also wanted it to work with our Disney theme. It fit in perfectly with Belle and our other Beauty and the Beast extras.

What was your favourite thing about your wedding day?

I loved all of it but if I had to pick one moment that stands out then it would be walking down the aisle and seeing Matt standing there at the other end.

So there we have it, if you’re after a pet friendly venue in Kent then be sure to check out The Nightyard! 

And if you’re getting married in 2020/2021 then be sure to get in touch! I have selected dates remaining for this year and the diary is now open for 2021 ready to book in a whole new host of beautiful brides….and their horses too!

Wedding Make Up for Gwen at Cooling Castle Barn, Kent

Wedding Make Up for Gwen at Cooling Castle Barn, Kent

Wedding Make Up for Gwen at Cooling

Castle Barn, Kent

Sometimes its nice to have a bride that’s not afraid to go a little bolder when it comes to her wedding make up and Gwen was that bride!

Gwens Make Up look

Some brides shy away from a heavy, smoky eye look  – and its certainly not for everyone. I always tell my brides that just because its your wedding day , it doesn’t mean we have to make you look different. You simply want to look like you, but on a really good day! If you don’t usually wear make up then it would be silly of us to paint your face to the point where you don’t even recognise yourself! Just because you’re a bride, you don’t need to do something outside the box. You’re the star of the show regardless and you don’t need to change who you are to conform to what you think a ‘normal bride’ should be.  If you want to be natural and that’s who you are – then be natural. If you don’t want your hair up because you never wear it up – then wear it down. It’s about being comfortable, and if you’re comfortable – you’re confident.

Gwen was a make up fan and no stranger to a darker eye which is why her wedding make up suited her perfectly. We lined her eyes and built up a selection of muted grey tones to create a smoky eye look. Rather than a severe, dark eye, using soft greys meant that we were able to add the same definition but without the harsh contrast of a black. We added a highlight to the inner corner of her eyes to ensure that her eyes really popped and lashes so that we could achieve a wide eye look. I paired this with flawless skin using airbase make up and a nude lip.

For lips I used MAC stripdown liner, another one of my bridal kit essentials. I applied this all over the lip and finished with a sweep of MAC fast play lipstick. It’s super important when going for a dark eye that the skin looks bright and clear in contrast. By using airbase I was able to ensure that Gwens skin was completely even in texture and tone. The added bonus of the airbrush is that if a client needs a slightly heavier coverage in one area its easily achieved without looking ‘cakey’. The airbrush particles are so small that they are designed for HD work and close up photo and film, meaning they sit perfectly and evenly on the skin.  My top tip when working with darker colours or heavier eyeshadow Is to always complete the eye make up first. Once ive created the eye look then I before remove any fallout and residue from my clients skin before applying their base. Needless to say this is really important, especially when it comes to brides as you know that their photographer will be able to pick up any imperfection and it could make or break the photos! I set Gwen’s bridal make up look using Urban Decay setting spray ‘all nighter’, another kit essential.

Thank you to Kelly Rogers photography for use of these lovely images.  Gwen’s wedding was held at the gorgeous Kent venue Cooling Castle  and its always a pleasure to work at such a beautiful place! With a wedding almost every day Cooling  Castle is a popular choice for brides wanting to know that they will be well looked after. The events team here have thought of everything…. literally ….everything! From placing scissors in the drawer so you can cut off  any tags you might have forgotten about ( seriously – that happens all the time! ) to the fact that they have a coffee machine ready and waiting in the room for you, if you’re considering holding your big day here you wont be disappointed!

If  you’d like to speak to me about your own wedding day hair and make up then please do get in touch.  Maybe you’ve booked Cooling Castle , and if you have then I’d love to join you!

You can email me by clicking here and visiting my contact page.

I look forward to speaking with you!