The Wedding Industry Awards – TWIA

The Wedding Industry Awards – TWIA

Best Bridal Hair Stylist 2020

Tha’ts quite some title right?! Well I’m delighted to be able to share that I have been selected amongst a whole group of other amazing ladies as a nominee in this very category for The Wedding Industry Awards ( also known as TWIA )

What does that mean?

Well, firstly it means that I get recognition from people in the industry I admire who have seen my work and think it’s good enough to even be considered. For me, and especially as a self employed business owner , it means so much when other people look at what you’ve created and give you praise for it! It’s an amazing feeling to know that people are cheering you!

Secondly, and most importantly to me personally, this particular awards is judged on the feedback you get from Brides. Brides that had booked me for their wedding day had to fill out a short questionaire all about me and the service I provided for them. It literally makes me so proud to think that I did a good enough job that they would have good things to say about me!

And even if…

…I don’t win this time then I know that I’ll be recieving all of my brides feedback which is just as exciting! I can’t wait to read it all and make sure that I’m doing things right for your guys!

Award winning hair stylist and make up artist

I’ve been lucky enough to win awards for both hair and make up before and although it’s not the be all and end all, it’s certainly a fantastic way for someone to pat you on the back and remind you that youre heading in the right direction! If I worked for a larger company I’d get an appraisal – someone would tell me what I’m doing well and what I need to improve on so I guess  awards for me are kind of like that!

Anyway, I won’t find out until next Monday when the South East Awards ceremony takes place but regardless, just to be nominated and have my name thrown about amongst this level of talent is pretty special ( if I do say so myself! )

2020 is certainly shaping up to look like a good year.

Lots of brides are being very organised and booking in advnce for their wedding dates. I can only work with one bride per day ( I dont want to be rushing off! ) so if you’d like to talk with me about your own wedding day then be sure to contact me sooner rather than later!

Oh and….Wish me luck!!!

Katie x

Wedding Hair and Make Up at Chilston Park

Wedding Hair and Make Up at Chilston Park

Wedding Hair and Make Up at Chilston Park

It’s a beautiful country house hotel in the Kent countryside and it’s so uniquely styled – filled with antiques, some all the way back from the 17th century and as old as the manor house itself.

It’s easy to see why brides would choose it for their wedding day, the inside is as beautiful as the outside and come rain or shine it’s the perfect backdrop for those wedding pictures….

My bride Carly is someone that I’ve known ever since I took my first ever job aged 14. I was delighted to be able to provide the hair and make up for herself and her wedding party on the morning of her big day, and it was such a lovely morning. Filled with laughter and happiness, Carly and her girls had a great time getting ready together in the Star room , overlooking the beautiful gardens and plenty big enough for the entire bridal party to relax and enjoy.

Carly had decided to go for a natural make up look, enhancing her eyes with a flawless skin finish. Her long dark hair was woven into a low chignon and accessorised with a diamante slide which added a beautiful contrast to her deep brown twists.

For Carlys base , after I had applied primer, I used iconic London highlighter drops. These drops really are little bits of magic as they enhance and radiate the perfect bridal glow and they’ve quickly become one of my firm kit favourites.  For foundation I used airbrush airbase make up. Its high definition formula means I can guarantee that my brides look photo ready all day long and it sits so beautifully on the skin , meaning I never have to worry about uneven coverage or blending lines.

For her hair I created a shine using Kenra 25, this pump action spray means I am able to not only hold, but smooth and finish – a really important factor when it comes to styling dark hair. I didn’t want the hair looking stiff or flat but I did want to ensure that the hold was there, without compromising on the texture. The added bonus of Kenra products are that brides are forever complimenting me on how good they smell – and they really do! They don’t have the usual, typical ‘old school hairspray’ odour which is good considering I reckon I inhale about a million litres of the stuff over a summer bridal season !  

Big thanks to TDH media for sending me these beautiful images of Carly.  These guys offer photo, video and even marry-oke packages so be sure to check them out. 

Over the last month I’ve had lost of organised brides booking in their wedding hair and make up for 2020 so if you’re a bride to be and think you might like to talk to me about working with you on your wedding morning then be sure to get in touch. I only work with one wedding per day so drop me a message and I’ll let you know if your date is still available…

Look forward to hearing from you

Katie x

10 lies people will tell you when it comes to Wedding hair and Make Up

10 lies people will tell you when it comes to Wedding hair and Make Up

10 lies people will tell you when it comes to Wedding hair and Make Up

Over the years I’ve heard my fair share of crazy comments when it comes to wedding hair and make up so in an attempt to debunk some of the myths that you may well have heard too,  I’ve created a list of my top 10 below…. Have a read and let me know if there are any others I might have missed off!

Lie 1

‘’As a bride you have to have your hair up’’. 


Back in Roman times brides had a particular style that they believed , when worn to the wedding, would warn off any evil spirits. That’s perhaps why people will tell you its ‘trad’ for the bride to wear her hair up and off her face. … But if were sticking with tradition then women don’t work or vote either and men make all the rules. Point made. I rest my case!

Lie 2

‘’Your curls will fall out’’.


I particularly like this lie, because it’s so random! A professional hair dresser will know all the tips at tricks to ensure that your curls last – even after the last dance!

Lie 3

‘’You need to look different.’’


Your partner is marrying you because they love you. If you walk down the aisle unrecognisable it’s probably going to throw them just a little bit! Be you, if you hate your hair up – its ok to wear it down. And if you don’t like eyeliner and never wear it , then your wedding day probably isn’t the day to start!

Lie 4

‘’You need to wear loads of make up’’.

 Not the case.

 You’ve heard the expression ‘Less is more’, right? . A professional make up artist is able to select premium products that they will apply in order for them to last the duration of your day.  You want people to think ‘ she looks beautiful today’ not ‘wow look at how much foundation she’s wearing!’

Lie 5

‘’You don’t need to book it yet’’.


 If you find a supplier that you like and want to work with, no matter what aspect of your wedding they will be providing for then book them. Popular and trusted suppliers are often booked up years in advance. You don’t want to be left choosing from whoevers left by the time you’ve realised you’re too late to have who you really wanted.

Lie 6

‘’You ‘should’  look natural to look bridal’’.

Not the case.

 Although the ‘usual’ bridal look is elegant, timesless and classic that doesn’t mean you have to be. If you don’t leave the house without your lashes and your bright pink lipstick then don’t attempt to get married without them either! Stay true to you, whatever your usual look may be.

Lie 7

‘’You cant have the style you want’’

(Of course you can!) 

I hear this one a lot. Brides tell me ‘ I really wanted my hair up but I couldn’t have it as I didn’t have enough hair/it wasn’t long enough ( *insert excuse of your choice here !)  I always tell my brides to pick exactly what you want, as if you could have anything in the whole world. Don’t think about your hair length or colour – that’s my job. You show me the vision, and I’ll show you how we can work together to create your very own bespoke version of it. There’s no such word as can’t.

Lie 8

‘’You cant wear a red lip’’

 Says who?!

 There is something so glamorous about a red lip. It’s timeless and striking. Just because you’re in a white dress doesn’t mean that a red lip will mean staining or smudging! Be sure to use a liner, as I would advise all my brides regardless of the colour you opt for, and have your lipstick in your bag ready for top ups after eating.

Lie 9

‘’You have to style all your bridesmaids the same’’.


Unless your bridesmaids are all identical twins then that’s just not going to work. Bridesmaid 1 might hate her ears so wants them covered, whilst bridesmaid 2 likes all her hair away from her face. Your bridesmaids should compliment one another but there’s no rules to stay they should match. Your photos will look better if each person feels confident. If you feel good , you look good, so consider what they want , and especially what they really don’t want, as you’ll be grateful you did in the long run!


‘’You need to book several different people to cater for your needs.’’

No No No.

 Lets just look at this for a second,, let’s say you want bridal hair and make up on your wedding morning. You have a couple of options. If you are booking one person who only offers hair, then you will also need to book someone who does make up. If they don’t offer both, they cant do both. That’s pretty obvious. However, the other option is to book someone who offers both hair and make up services.  I specialise in doing just that. I’ve spent years learning and educating myself in order to provide the complete service. I love seeing my whole vision come together, creating work that I’m proud of.  Bridal is my ‘thing’, it’s what I do. People ( generally those who offer one service and not the other ! ) may tell you that it’s not possible for someone to be ‘good at both’, or  they might say something silly like ‘they will run out of time’ or  ‘your hair wont be as good as your make up’ etc etc…. I’ve heard a lot of crazy reasons and it’s simply just not true. If you have several members of your bridal party wanting to participate in the wedding morning prep then I have a team of reliable professionals, most of whom I have trained personally, who are happy to work alongside me in order to ensure that we are able to cater for all of your needs and the number of people necessary. It doesn’t mean only ‘x’ amount of you can get ready as time won’t allow, nor does it mean I’m going to want to arrive at silly o clock to start applying your make up over 8 hours before the ceremony! It simply means that as a professional, I know what timescales I can work to, what’s realistic, and I know that if I need a team to support me, that will always be included in your quote at no extra charge. It’s like they say – Team work makes the dream work!

Head over to my Galleries page if you want to have a look through for some inspiration of your own. You can also find me regularly updating Instagram so be sure to head over there and give me a follow too!

If there’s anything that you’ve been told that your not sure about then please do feel free to get in touch –  whatever it may be! I’ll happily put your mind at rest when it comes to any aspect of you getting ‘wedding ready’ so don’t be afraid to ask!

Katie x

Wedding Hair and Make Up at Hayne House, Kent

Wedding Hair and Make Up at Hayne House, Kent

Wedding Hair and Make Up at Hayne House, Kent

The outdoor space is beautifully presented and there’s lots of attention to detail, even when it comes to bridal prep. They have a separate room set up with two dressing tables which is perfect for both hair and make up to be taking place. There’s even a sofa so the rest of the bridal party can join you, ensuring that the ‘getting ready’ part of your day is a real occasion in itself. 

Getting ‘wedding ready’ is a really relaxed and fun  time for the bridal party – there’s always plenty of chatting, laughing and usually a few bubbles as everyone relaxes and the excitement for the day builds!

A high neck wedding dress

Michelle wore a beautiful fitted gown which had lace right up to the neck so we decided that an up-do would be best to show off  the details on the back of the dress. Her mid length dark hair was thick, so rather than attempt a curled look,  I decided to use twists to give the illusion of a folded, elegant style. 

I twisted her hair in small individual sections and pinned securely to a central point at the back of her head. I added a little bit of height to best suit her face shape and the twists, rather than being clustered together at the nape of her neck, climbed up above her ears. Creating this shape meant that we were able to give the illusion of height to the style. It meant that she looked like the twisted detail on her hair followed seamlessly into the detail of her dress, flowing right down into her train.

A classic bridal make up look

Michelle’s make up was natural and classic. A lot of brides tell me they worry about not feeling ‘like them’ on the day. Maybe perhaps because they don’t usually wear make up, or because they’ve never had it professionally done before. Wedding make up should simply bring out and help enhance the very best bits of you. It should ensure that your skin tone is even, that you look radiant and glowing, and that simply put, you just look like you. – on a really good day. We went for a simple lip,  a flawless base and a soft peach blush. The neutral tones we used on her eyes helped to make them stand out  and we shaded a variety of browns and taupe , using Morphe 35o palette, to give a shadowed matte effect. 

Michelles wonderful day was captured by the photography talent that is Francesca at Piccolino. You can view more of her work here . Thankyou Francesca for use of these beautiful images!

If you’re wanting to chat about your own wedding hair and make up then head over to my contact page and send me a message. I’d love to hear from you and the diary is filling fast for 2020!

Katie x

When shall I book my wedding hair and make up?

When shall I book my wedding hair and make up?

When shall I book my wedding hair and make up?

I get asked this question ALL of the time. Lots of brides will book their venue, and maybe even their photographer and dress before considering looking for their hair and make up artist. If you really want my honest answer to the question of when you should book your wedding hair and make up…. Yesterday! Seriously! And if you didn’t do it then – do it right now!


I see so many ‘Wedding checklist’ blogs that tell you to start looking for your hair and make up artist around 3 months before the big day – some even say later than that! That’s too late. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know exactly what you want, or you haven’t quite decided exactly how you want your hair or what colour lip to wear. What does matter is that if you leave it too late you’ll be left with whoever is available rather than whoever it is you really want. 

If you find a stylist you like, who’s work you admire, and who seems to be able to create the kind of look you can imagine wearing yourself then book them in! Popular stylists can get booked upto two years in advance – seriously! You don’t want to miss out or find yourself frantically hunting for alternatives because the person you really wanted had already been snapped up.  

When brides book with me I take a deposit payment to secure their date and rate. This means they know they’re booked in and they know how much its going to cost them. The final balance isn’t due until 30 days before the big day itself so plenty of time for people who want to spread payments and confirm which members of their bridal party 

I only work with one wedding per day. Your wedding is one of the most important day of your life and it’s important that I treat it with that same type of importance! I like to stay for those final moments, to ensure that everything is just perfect as you head off down the aisle .

I also offer Preview sessions, sometimes known as a ‘style trial’ and these sessions allow us to have a little sneak peek of your bridal vision by bringing it to life! We will work together to create and decide upon your perfect look so you can rest assured that when it comes to your big day, you’ll be looking exactly how you imagined!

If you’re looking for someone to help create your bridal vision then get in touch with me here

It’s never too early to talk ‘wedding’ and once a date is gone, it’s gone !  

I look forward to hearing from you  

Katie x